Plugins and Libraries

Ready to use plugins and libraries to implement crypto payment in your website

2. Install the plugin on your WooCommerce store.
3. Enter your pallapay merchant id on your WooCommerce setting
You can create a payment link using this API
  • POST
Request Body
  • { "order": "134543", "merchant": "EE547896", "amount": 150.00, "currency": "AED", "first_name": "David", "last_name": "Joi", "email": "[email protected]", "custom": "Comment"   }
Response Body
  • 200 Success
  • { "status": 1, "result": { "redirect_to_url": ""}, "message": "Operation success" }
  • 400, 401, 403, 404, 422, 500 Failed
  • { "status": 0, "error": { "message": "Error message will be here"} }

Create payment json body

Variable Description Conditions Necessarily
merchant Merchant ID in the system Pallapay. Assigned to the merchant automatically after adding a store to your account. Your store must be moderated Not equal to 0 Yes
order Order Number purpose of payment. Not equal to 0 Yes
amount The sum in any form. The sum is rounded to decimal places. The total amount including commission will be calculated automatically Sum is more than 1 Yes
currency Currency of payment. Available currencies USD, AED, EUR, GBP,BTC,PALLA,USDT-TRC20,USDT-ERC20,ETH,TRON,USDC-ERC20,DAI-ERC20 Only values from the list Yes
first_name First name of payer Minimum number of characters 1 Yes
last_name Last name of payer Minimum number of characters 1 Yes
email email of payer should be valid format Minimum number of characters 1 Yes
custom Comment to the payment. For example, the order number in your store. This item is not displayed to the buyer - No
IPN notifications
  • // merchant password.
  • $merchant_password = t43t43t34t43t34t6545845;
  • // transaction info.
  • $amount = $_POST['amount'];
  • $fee = $_POST['fee'];
  • $total = $_POST['total'];
  • $currency = $_POST['currency'];
  • $payer = $_POST['payer'];
  • $receiver = $_POST['receiver'];
  • $status = $_POST['status'];
  • $date = $_POST['date'];
  • $id_transfer = $_POST['id_transfer'];
  • $order = $_POST['order'];
  • // Merchant info.
  • $merchant_name = $_POST['merchant_name'];
  • $merchant_id = $_POST['merchant_id'];
  • $balance = $_POST['balance'];
  • $custom = $_POST['custom'];
  • // Verification of the transaction.
  • $hash = $_POST['hash'];
  • $hash_string = $total.':'.$merchant_password.':'.$date.':'.$id_transfer
  • $user_hash = strtoupper(md5($hash_string));
  • if($hash == $user_hash){
  • echo "Confirmed!";
  • }else{
  • echo "Failed!";
  • }

IPN notification body

Variable Description Example
$POST['amount'] The received amount without commissions 100.00
$POST['fee'] Fee for payment. Paid by the buyer or merchant according to the settings 0.20
$POST['total'] Total transaction amount including commission 100.20
$POST['currency'] Transaction currency for which payment was made debit_base
$POST['payer'] Buyer username in the system Pallapay johndoe
$POST['receiver'] Merchant username in the system Pallapay envato
$POST['status'] The status of the transaction. Always Value "Confirmed" Confirmed
$POST['date'] Transaction date 2018-01-09 03:11:07
$POST['id_transfer'] Unique transaction number in the system Pallapay 58954
$POST['order'] Your order ID that you sent for create payment ORD123456
$POST['merchant_name'] Merchant store name in the system Pallapay Google Inc
$POST['merchant_id'] Unique number of merchant in the system Pallapay 21
$POST['balance'] Available merchant balance in transaction currency 2100.56
$POST['custom'] Comment on payment, formed by the merchant in the HTML form INV 1452485
$POST['hash'] A unique signature that is used to verify the validity of a notification. A string join is created of the total amount, merchant password, date transaction and transaction ID. The string is encrypted using an algorithm MD5. C93D3BF7A7C4AFE94B64E30C2CE39F4F

List of Accepted Currencies

Here is list of currency code, in your form pass the code in a currency parameter

Name Code
UAE Dirham AED
US Dollar USD
Pounds Sterling GBP
Name Code
Bitcoin BTC
Pallapay PALLA
Etherum ETH

Accept crypto currencies in your website